Bitcoin 2022 Talks: The Highlights

9 min read by Ben
published 3 years ago


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“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”

Stephen R. Covey

We’ve had a little breather since the ₿itcoin Conference 2022. Now, it’s time to dive back in and see what we’ve missed. With this conference being the largest assembly of Bitcoiners ever, there was never any doubt that fire and signal would be coming from the mouths of many. 

Here are the best Bitcoin Conference talks to set some time aside for. Find one you like, find one you wouldn’t normally listen to, and pick a random one. OK, you’re all set.

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The Big Ideas 💡

The Future Is Bright

Bitcoiners: Michael Saylor & Cathie Wood 

Key Quote: “You do not sell your Bitcoin.” – Michael Saylor

Micahel Saylor and Cathie Wood are two of the biggest names in the Bitcoin space. So, it’s no surprise that they headline the conference with a talk on Bitcoin in the US. Saylor is more bullish than ever, you should be too. 

Jack Mallers Announcement 

Bitcoiners: Jack Mallers 

Key Quote: “It’s better for everybody. It’s better for business. It grows your margins, it’s more inclusive. It’s more innovative. It’s cheaper. It’s faster. Nobody loses. Everybody’s invited. It’s a fair game.” – Jack Mallers 

Jack has changed the way a lot of people think about Bitcoin. He contrasts Michael Saylor’s “do not sell” mentality, to “use Bitcoin for every transaction”. This might be controversial but he’s just using Bitcoin as a network to increase adoption. Hyperbitcoinisation doesn’t happen overnight, however, Mallers announcement just boosted the odds. 

Bitcoin Is Freedom 

Bitcoiners: Alex Gladstein, Yeonmi Park, Farida Nabourema & Fadi Elsalameen

Key Quote: “The more I learn about Bitcoin, the more I realise if every person can be their own bank. I’d much rather always deal with just Bitcoin.” – Fadi Elsalameen 

It’s hard for people in the West to truly understand how important a decentralised, non-confiscatable, money is. So many people live without freedom (monetary, political, or otherwise) around the world. Bitcoin is the solution to help improve their daily lives. Listen  to this talk, and you’ll realise why Bitcoin is more important than ever. 

The Financial Gurus 🤑

Billionaire Capital Allocators 

Bitcoiners: Greg Foss, Ricardo B. Salinas, Orlando Bravo, Marcelo Claure & Dan Tapiero 

Key Quote: “It doesn’t work anymore, Ray. It’s f#&kin’ over…” – Greg Foss 

Greg Foss brings the energy and the rest of the panel feeds off it. The people on this panel know what money is, know how to assess risk and important Bitcoin is. If you want to understand who and what is coming into Bitcoin and why, listen up. 

Bitcoin Macroeconomic Landscape

Bitcoiners: Trey Lockerbie, Jeff Booth, Dr. Jeff Ross, Mark Moss & Preston Pysh

Key Quote: “The technology of Bitcoin allows you to build a system, peer to peer, that doesn’t require debt for velocity of money … you don’t have to trust human beings and centralisation.” – Jeff Booth 

All these Bitcoiners are extremely well known and they didn’t disappoint. The panel addressed a whole range of topics. From how you should think about price action, debt cycles and, of course, what the macroeconomic landscape looks like moving forward. Not many people understand the financial side of Bitcoin (and the world) better than these gentlemen. 

The Unwinding of the Petrodollar 

Bitcoiners: Stephan Livera, Lyn Alden, Fred Thiel, Matthew Pines & Avik Roy

Key Quote: “Even though it’s (Bitcoin) volatile, having some of it, is insurance. Even if someone’s skeptical about it, you wanna hedge the fact that maybe it takes off more than you think and if your other things get partly demonetised. You have that access to it.” – Lyn Alden 

Rounding out the best financial talks, is a bullish outlook on Bitcoin’s future. Lyn Alden provides her usual fantastic insight into the global economy and how Bitcoin relates. Thiel and Roy make some bold claims about how they think Bitcoin will start to accelerate its rate of global adoption. 

The Thinkers 💭

Becoming A Sovereign Individual 

Bitcoiners: Guy Swann, Pascal Gauthier, Parker Lewis, Matt Barkley & Robert Breedlove
Key Quote: “The more we maximise individual sovereignty, we move away from mass psychosis, hopefully to mass sanity. And sovereignty is sanity.” – Robert Breedlove 

This was a terrific, free-flowing conversation from a wide-range of Bitcoiners. They all come from different backgrounds, yet all agree on one point – self-sovereignty is vital for the flourishing of every human being. 

Is Fiat Money Worth It?  

Bitcoiners: Saifedean Ammous
Key Quote: “The costs of fiat … are in the catastrophes that it creates for its users.” – Saifedean Ammous

Saif knows how to deliver big ideas, not only in his mind-opening books but also via powerful powerpoint presentations. He has a canny way to make you realise why you despise the current monetary and financial system, one that is built on the flimsy foundation of tRUsT. Saif explains how truly tragic and destructive the fiat financial system  is to us and society. 

Fix the Money, to Leave the World

Bitcoiners: Eric Weinstein & Avi Loeb

Key Quote: “Bitcoin is the one big thing, recently, that really upended what we thought was possible.” – Eric Weinstein 

Despite struggling to stay focussed on Bitcoin, this talk is extremely interesting for someone who is thinking about the future. Aliens, space travel and Bitcoin; certainly not your typical Bitcoin chat. Weinstein and Loeb go on some wild tangents. Nonetheless, they are both fascinating to listen to.

The Mining Mob ⚒️

(Home) Mining For The Streets 

Bitcoiners: Matt Odell, econoalchemist, Jonathan Yuan, Diverter & John Stefanopoulos 

Key Quote: “The real meat of this thing (home mining), is being able to acquire Bitcoin without having to hand over your entire identity.” – Diverter 

These boys are the ones who have the goal to bring a miner to every home in the USA (and soon the world). When hyperbitcoinisation happens, home miners are gonna be all the rage. Get in early, from the products developed and used by the panelists above. 

Is ESG an attack on Bitcoin? 

Bitcoiners: Elaine Ou, Marty Bent, Jaime Leverton, Troy Cross & Greg Beard

Key Quote: “ESG is an attack on free markets and Bitcoin is just collateral damage. Bitcoin is arguably the freest market in the world and, so, by extension, ESG is going to attack that. These people (capital allocators), don’t care about the environment.”  – Marty Bent 

Yes it is. Marty Bent is based. Listen in and think for yourself. 

You Are The Carbon They Want To Reduce

Bitcoiners: Nic Carter, Darin Feinstein, Stephen Barbour, Amanda Fabiano & MacKenzie Sigalos

Key Quote: “The Bitcoin network, today in 2022, … uses 220 terrawatt hours of energy, of the 160,000 hours of terawatt energy that is generated globally.” – Darin Feinstein 

Straight fire from this panel. If you need some ammo for someone arguing ‘Bitcoin uses too much energy’, show those no-coiner/scamcoiners this talk. The majority of the panel is doing actual mining, so they know, first-hand, the stats. 

The Honest Bunch

Wartime Bitcoin 

Bitcoiners: Luke Rudkowski, Aleks Svetski, Francis Pouliot, Benjamin Dichter & Giacomo Zucco 

Key Quote: “Crypto is the attack on… Bitcoin. Make no mistake about it.” – Aleks Svetski

Hello Bitcoin Maxis. Goodbye soyboys and scamcoiners. Close your ears if honesty hurts, there are dragons on this panel. 

Bitcoin Is F*ck You Money 

Bitcoiners: Max Keiser, Francis Ngannou, Adam Curry 

Key Quote: “Back in the MTV days, rock and roll days, everybody got a Rolex (saying), I got f*ck you money. Today, I got money I can send to you and no one can touch. That’s real f*ck you money.” – Adam Curry 

With Max Keiser leading the ship, this talk was always gonna be wild. Ngannou, still learning about the magical internet money, and he lays out some of the problems in Africa associated with the current monetary system. He also provides insight into how Bitcoin can help fix some of these problems. Curry, like Steph, doesn’t miss on any of his points. Fire from the deep. 

Memetic Warfare: Peace Was Never An Option 

Bitcoiners: American HODL, GregZaj1, Nico ZM, ChairForce, Sean Harris & Coinicarus

Key quote: “This is not a kinetic war. This is not a war of bullets. This is an information war. This a war to win over hearts and minds, right. And memes play such an essential role in this memetic warfare.” – Nico ZM 

We couldn’t leave out the most entertaining panel across the whole weekend. These boys keep it light, but hit on some deep truths about how important information is on the internet. Bitcoin wouldn’t be the same without memes. These boys are steering the meme ship from the front. 

The Technical Wizards 🧙‍♂️

Funding Open Source Bitcoin Developers 

Bitcoiners: Mike Schmidt, Adi Shankara , Ben Price & Conor Okus

Key Quote: “Joining big tech today, is like joining big cola. Both their business models revolve around triggering the same molecule in your brain.” – Adi Shankara 

Shankara kills it on this panel, laying it down on why big tech jobs are a joke. If you are young going to university, or interested in helping Bitcoin via development, these people will show you the ropes. Listen carefully, and you’ll understand why it’s so important to begin building on Bitcoin. 

Bitcoin & Lightning Node Roundtable  

Bitcoiners: Matt Odell, /rootzoll, Keagan McClelland, Jonas Nick & S2l1

Key Quote: “More people running nodes, and not just running nodes, but like running them in a self-sovereign way where they are really exercising their own agency. Is paramount for the survival of Bitcoin.” – Jonas Nick.

These are the people building Bitcoin from the ground up. It’s interesting to hear how they view Bitcoin as people who want to produce the products that surround it (the nodes). If you want an understanding of which node to build, the benefits and drawbacks of each, the gentleman above do a great job describing these complex topics simply.

Blockstream Announcement  

Bitcoiners: Dr. Adam Back 

Key Quote: “Bitcoin is not the question. Bitcoin is the answer.” – Adam Back 

Blockstream is taking some major steps in the mining industry, teaming up with the likes of Block and Tesla. Tesla, Block & Blockstream – that’s no joke. Dr. Back does an awesome TLDR of what his company is focusing on in 2022 and moving forward. Expect big things.

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