Introducing the AmberApp Tribe

3 min read by Ben
published 3 years ago

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The AmberApp Tribe Referral Program is bullish for Bitcoiners.

It is a truth universally acknowledged – amongst Bitcoiners, at least – that we are born to work together; like two hands, feet, or eyelids, like the upper and lower rows of our teeth. A very famous Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher, named Marcus Aurelius, said something like that about 1800 years ago. Long before ₿itcoin was even a spark in Satoshi’s eye. 

In the early 90s, Robert Metcalfe noted that a network’s value is proportional to the square of the number of nodes in the network. For instance, if a network has 10 nodes its inherent value is 100 (10×10=100). Add one more node and the value is 121. Add another to get 144. This is non-linear, exponential growth, often referred to as network effect. A network effect is an attribute of a company (like AmberApp) or other system (like the Internet or Bitcoin) such that as more people use the network, the network becomes exponentially more valuable for each user. This is known as Metcalfe’s Law

The AmberApp Tribe referral program is a global network of bullish AmberApp Bitcoiners connecting to an ever bigger network effect of bullish Bitcoiners from across the world.

It’s Bitcoin x AmberApp. It’s Metcalfe’s Law2. 🌐


If you’re falling down the Bitcoin rabbit hole already, you’re likely telling friends and family about the benefits and virtues of this magical internet money based on immutable math and code; about Bitcoin being a reliable source of order amidst a world of chaos; about how Bitcoin has helped you to save and store their time and energy in the most sound and hardest form of money that’s ever been discovered; about the gains of independence, freedom and sovereignty that Bitcoin brings; and, about the universal truth that things get better when we work together. Enter the AmberApp Tribe referral program…

The AmberApp Tribe referral program is for bullish Bitcoiners who are bullish about a bright orange future, where people all across the world work together – like hands, feet, and the upper and lower rows of our teeth – to build great things from the ground up.

The more bullish Bitcoiners there are, the brighter and better the world will be. 

This is why we’re bullish. This is why we ₿itcoin. 

And this why you should join the AmberApp Tribe referral program.


The AmberApp Tribe referral program lets you stacking extra sats simply by being a bullish Bitcoin and shilling friends and family about the beauty and benefit of saving in Bitcoin. No doubt, you already do it in your spare time, why not get paid for it?

Being a part of the AmberApp Tribe referral program means aligning yourself with the ethics of AmberApp – a serious Bitcoin-only company dedicated to making saving in Bitcoin simple and smart, to bring on hyperbitcoinization sooner, and free you and your loved ones from shitty fiat money forever.  

Here’s how our AmberApp Tribe referral program works:

  • AmberApp Tribe member Ben gives an AmberApp referral to his friend Izzy.
  • Izzy uses Ben’s ref link to sign up to AmberApp and start saving in bitcoin.
  • Ben gets $10 worth of sats as a referral bonus after a minimum buy of $100.
  • Ben earns 15% on transaction fees from Izzy whenever he buys Bitcoin, easily increasing his stack.

Tribe members get exclusive access to the AmberApp Tribe on Telegram, plus awesome deals on exclusive AmberApp merch to declare your bullish affiliation.

The AmberApp Tribe referral program is all about the good things that happen when network effects work and when people – let alone bullish Bitcoiners – work together to build a bright orange future for the world. Ben and Izzy are two important nodes helping to grow the AmberApp network by minting new Bitcoiners, who, in-turn, are connecting themselves, their friends, and family to the ever expanding network of Bitcoiners from all across the world… 🌏

It may sound cheesy but it’s true. 🧀 🧡

Tune In to TribeTalk [LIVE]: Twitter Spaces, Monday 7pm (AEST)

You can learn more about the AmberApp Tribe referral program and how you can join the AmberApp network, and get us all closer to a bright orange ₿itcoin future and to hyperbitcoinization.


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Disclaimer: AmberApp is not a financial adviser. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice to check how information on our website, in emails we send or in our app, relates to your unique circumstances. AmberApp is not liable for any loss caused, whether due to negligence or otherwise arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information provided directly or indirectly, by use of our website, our emails or our app.

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