AmberVault FAQ

All vaulted bitcoin is secured in multi-signature cold storage. This means that the private keys that can send bitcoin out of our vault are never generated or stored on an internet connected device.

Storage fees are charged based on the balance in your vault on the 21st of each month (at 11:00am UTC). A flat monthly fee is charged against your vault balance based on the size of your stack:

0.18% for less than 1 bitcoin
0.15% for 1 to 1.99999999 bitcoin
0.12% for 2 to 4.99999999 bitcoin
0.09% for greater than 5 bitcoin

AmberVault fees are debited from your vault balances monthly on the 21st of the month.

Because there will only ever be 21 million bitcoin!

Your Lightning Wallet is like the leather wallet we used to carry around with us with enough cash for a week’s expenses. You would never carry your life savings in your pocket, and you shouldn’t keep your bitcoin stack in your Lightning Wallet. Consider what would happen if someone got access to your phone and were able to unlock it. In this situation, bitcoin in your AmberVault remains untouched.

Even though a vault passphrase is optional, we strongly recommend using a passphrase as an additional layer of security when withdrawing bitcoin from your vault.

Your passphrase can be reset by contacting customer support through your AmberApp. Our customer service representative may require additional verification such as a video call with you to prove that you are the account owner.

Not yet, but this is definitely on our roadmap.

We are working on additional security features including timed secure delay, time-lock, multi-sig and bitcoin address whitelisting.

You can withdraw your vault bitcoin to an on-chain Bitcoin address. For additional security, all vault withdrawals are subject to a minimum 7 day secure delay. You will need to enter an email 2FA code as well as your passphrase if you have enabled it (which is strongly recommended). We then manually review every vault withdrawal. As this is an on-chain transaction, there will be a bitcoin transaction fee charged for vault withdrawals (using a low priority fee rate).

AmberVault FAQ

All vaulted bitcoin is secured in multi-signature cold storage. This means that the private keys that can send bitcoin out of our vault are never generated or stored on an internet connected device.

Storage fees are charged based on the balance in your vault on the 21st of each month (at 11:00am UTC). A flat monthly fee is charged against your vault balance based on the size of your stack:

0.18% for less than 1 bitcoin
0.15% for 1 to 1.99999999 bitcoin
0.12% for 2 to 4.99999999 bitcoin
0.09% for greater than 5 bitcoin

AmberVault fees are debited from your vault balances monthly on the 21st of the month.

Because there will only ever be 21 million bitcoin!

Your Lightning Wallet is like the leather wallet we used to carry around with us with enough cash for a week’s expenses. You would never carry your life savings in your pocket, and you shouldn’t keep your bitcoin stack in your Lightning Wallet. Consider what would happen if someone got access to your phone and were able to unlock it. In this situation, bitcoin in your AmberVault remains untouched.

Even though a vault passphrase is optional, we strongly recommend using a passphrase as an additional layer of security when withdrawing bitcoin from your vault.

Your passphrase can be reset by contacting customer support through your AmberApp. Our customer service representative may require additional verification such as a video call with you to prove that you are the account owner.

Not yet, but this is definitely on our roadmap.

We are working on additional security features including timed secure delay, time-lock, multi-sig and bitcoin address whitelisting.

You can withdraw your vault bitcoin to an on-chain Bitcoin address. For additional security, all vault withdrawals are subject to a minimum 7 day secure delay. You will need to enter an email 2FA code as well as your passphrase if you have enabled it (which is strongly recommended). We then manually review every vault withdrawal. As this is an onchain transaction, there will be a bitcoin transaction fee charged for vault withdrawals (using a low priority fee rate).

AmberVault FAQ

All vaulted bitcoin is secured in multi-signature cold storage. This means that the private keys that can send bitcoin out of our vault are never generated or stored on an internet connected device.

Storage fees are charged based on the balance in your vault on the 21st of each month (at 11:00am UTC). A flat monthly fee is charged against your vault balance based on the size of your stack:

0.18% for less than 1 bitcoin
0.15% for 1 to 1.99999999 bitcoin
0.12% for 2 to 4.99999999 bitcoin
0.09% for greater than 5 bitcoin

AmberVault fees are debited from your vault balances monthly on the 21st of the month.

Because there will only ever be 21 million bitcoin!

Your Lightning Wallet is like the leather wallet we used to carry around with us with enough cash for a week’s expenses. You would never carry your life savings in your pocket, and you shouldn’t keep your bitcoin stack in your Lightning Wallet. Consider what would happen if someone got access to your phone and were able to unlock it. In this situation, bitcoin in your AmberVault remains untouched.

Even though a vault passphrase is optional, we strongly recommend using a passphrase as an additional layer of security when withdrawing bitcoin from your vault.

Your passphrase can be reset by contacting customer support through your AmberApp. Our customer service representative may require additional verification such as a video call with you to prove that you are the account owner.

Not yet, but this is definitely on our roadmap.

We are working on additional security features including timed secure delay, time-lock, multi-sig and bitcoin address whitelisting.

You can withdraw your vault bitcoin to an on-chain Bitcoin address. For additional security, all vault withdrawals are subject to a minimum 7 day secure delay. You will need to enter an email 2FA code as well as your passphrase if you have enabled it (which is strongly recommended). We then manually review every vault withdrawal. As this is an onchain transaction, there will be a bitcoin transaction fee charged for vault withdrawals (using a low priority fee rate).